Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Trump Lies

A reader has sent a number of Trump "lies" compiled by The Huffington Post which, as I have promised him, I republish here without detailed refutation. I have also removed the HuffPo's refutations because, given the political bent of this site, this suggests that there may be a bias in its analyses, I therefore leave it up to you, dear reader, to decide on the veracity of things. Do your own research and make up your own mind. (Try not using HuffPo or Snopes exclusively.) Here are Trump's "lies" according to the HuffPo:
  • We [the HuffPo] start with his Nov. 21 claim to have watched on television as thousands and thousands² of Muslims in New Jersey were cheering the fall of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.  
  • Trump boasted that he predicted Osama bin Laden. 
  • Trump heard that Obama is thinking about signing an executive order where he wants to take your guns away. 
  • Trump claimed his campaign is 100 percent self-funded. 
  • Trump said his tax plan is revenue neutral. 
  • Trump told the story of a 2-year old who got autism a week after the child got a vaccine. 
  • Trump said Mexico doesn¹t have a birthright citizenship policy.
  • Trump denied that he ever called female adversaries some of these things:fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.
But, for myself, looking over this list, I can't help but to conclude that, except for the statement on his tax plan, these supposed falsehoods are pretty thin gruel ... say compared to our current bunch of Pinocchios.


  1. Just today, Trump says he won't release his tax returns because every return of his ever is under eternal audit. And besides, nobody cares about them except reporters.

    So. We have thin public information from his privately held companies, no personal financial statements, and no record as POTUS because he is still PEOTUS.

    I know. I hear what Kellyann is saying: Bond with where is heart is, not the weak testimony of his actions, tweets, body language, and words. Like you might do to understand a old junkyard dog.

    1. I think you are expanding on what Kellyanne said ... maybe you should apply to CNN?

    2. “Why don't you believe him? Why is everything taken at face value?” Conway asked CNN's Chris Cuomo while talking about Meryl Streep's criticism of Trump at Sunday's Golden Globes.

      She continued: “You can't give him the benefit of the doubt on this, and he's telling you what was in his heart? You always want to go by what’s come out of his mouth rather than look at what’s in his heart.”

  2. Ah yes. My post-retirement gig. Stating augmented facts and augmented truths approved by the Ministry of Acceptable Commentary. Which probably will not have my resume on CNN... they will all be marginalized and possibly incarcerated for unacceptable reality.
