Wednesday, January 11, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Trump and Ali Baba's Jack Ma plan to create 1 million U.S. jobs

Apple seeks to expand manufacturing in Arizona

Booker to testify against fellow Senator [Sessions] in unprecedented move ...

LA needs to borrow millions to cover legal payouts ...

'Clock Boy' loses in court, father's defamation lawsuit dismissed

Majority of Americans believe that Russia was behind DNC hack

Congressional Black Caucus to re-hang anti-cop 'Police are Pigs' painting in Capitol

Washington [DC] City Council considers 'sanctuary city' status.

Wat? Pelosi: Obamacare was 'bipartisan' legislation

Obama administration makes desperate play to save transgender bathrooms

Turkey continues to accuse USA of supporting ISIS ...

Kim Kardashian's chauffeur arrested for 'inside job' in Paris armed robbery

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