Wednesday, January 04, 2017

The Cookie Crumbles

Judith Curry, a tenured professor and Chairman of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science at George Tech, is quitting the battlefield. This cookie has been castigated and cursed by her peers for now being a sceptic of the "science" behind the global-warming mania ... read her professional obit here: The Powerline Blog. And so she has to be crushed.

She once was a member of the 98% "consensus" on climate change ... but has had the scales fall from her eyes and is now one of the 2% of scientists who doubt this climate-change hokum is "settled science." So another quiet heroine is being burned at the stake of "carbon dioxide is a pollutant."

Little by little the Church of Climate Change is loosing membership as many of its wild-eyed prophesies are not coming true and the polar bears refuse to die off. I think that the upcoming confirmation hearings of Donald Trump's appointments might be the death knell of these carbon crunching moonbats (except maybe Rex Tillerson).

We can hope ...

Afterward: See also: The Daily Caller Interview.

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