Friday, January 20, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

[Trump] Team prepares dramatic cuts, ax to government spending ...

Bust: Massive [Pittsburgh] mall sold for $100 at foreclosure auction

Air Force launching missile-launch warning satellite ...

Puerto Rican terrorist freed by Obama placed 130 bombs across U.S.

California 'accidentially' releases information on 3,500 firearms instructors

CNN: If Trump were killed during inauguration, Obama appointee would be president

Trump asks key Obama counter-terrorism officials to stay on

Trump to immediately sign as many as 200 executive orders

Senate Dems will allow only two Trump nominees to be confirmed by day one

Ash Carter: I don't support commuting Chelsea Manning's sentence

Mnuchin slams Obama's economy: 'The unemployment rate is not real'

Mnuchin wants to INCREASE the size of the IRS ...


  1. I watched the entire inauguration and parade on FOX. I accept that we are on a hard starboard tack to compensate for a hard port tack. Now please refer to Hillary and Obama that way or STFU.

    1. I sincerely hope they are out of my life forever ...

    2. By the way, I wasn't thrilled with Trump's Inauguration speech.
