Thursday, January 19, 2017

FU America

President Obummer, instead of blowing kisses to his constituency as he leaves for his coming life of abject luxury ... wherein he is expected to rake in at least a billion dollars of tribute, is instead giving the one finger salute to his countrymen. One of many of his parting gifts is the commutation of the sentences of 1715 drug offenders (more than the last 12 presidents combined, see: USA Today Story  ... mostly amphetamine or heroine or crack cocaine dealers and manufacturers) who, according to source research done by Howie Carr, over a third of which had used guns in the commission of their crimes (likely quite a bit higher percentage since many gun offenses are often plea-bargained away to obtain a guilty drug plea.) Apparently gun control is, cynically, quite a relative thing to Obummer.

The obvious question is: How many of these drug offenders will return to a life of crime and exacerbate the opioid and drug epidemic that this nation is currently suffering? Recidivism rates are generally quite high among such criminals. Studies have shown that as many as 41% of such offenders will be re-arrested within the first year after release! See: National Institute of Justice for interesting data. Now, may we assume that Obummer's vetting process cuts this number in half ... down to 20%. This still means that, as a parting gift, Obummer has punished us with 340 bad guys out to corrupt our children and grandchildren with their evil goods. (And I am sure the numbers will be substantially higher.) What a sinister way to say goodbye and "thank you" to American for all that has come his way.

And why would Obummer perform this evil deed? Perhaps because he was a heavy drug user himself in his youth and identifies with the equivalent of his former suppliers?

Among others (see: Washington Post Article), he has also commuted the 35 year sentence of Chelsea (née Bradley) Manning for treason. This transgender seditious soldier, Manning, will be released after serving less than 10% of this easily justifiable sentence. (He could have and probably should have been executed.) I wonder what Obummer saw in Manning that inspired him to empathize with this scumbag? I wonder?

Lastly, Obummer also granted clemency to Oscar Lopez Rivera, the FALN terrorist who killed 6 people and was an ally of Fidel Castro ... shades of his "neighbor," the Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers.

Are we beginning to see a pattern here?


  1. Yes, a pattern of an obsessive need to justify the last 8 years of venom spewed at Obama.

    1. Can I assume that you will not be nasty to Trump?

  2. The difference is that I hope Trump succeeds in keeping his promises to fix the tax system, veterans affairs, education and to make us proud.

    1. Immigration? Islamic terrorism? Regulations? Entitlements? Economic growth? Infrastructure? National debt and spending? Rebuild our military? Cyber security? Foreign policy? Israel? ... Too many?

  3. Any three in the "to do" list would satisfy me.
    He is the pilot of the plane we are on. I do not want him to crash, unlike the Mitch McConnells of the world, who would burn it all down to make Obama fail.

    1. I really don't think he needed McConnell's help ...
