Friday, December 30, 2016

Words for the President

President Obummer ... we have been experiencing this multi-multi-faceted man for eight years ... so we know the measure of this man pretty well. Yes,I know my assessments may not be universal ... but I think that each of these adjectives I attribute to him has some backing in his words or deeds. He is clearly quite complex and mercurial so it takes a small dictionary to describe him at any one time. Anyhow here are all the admittedly mostly pejorative words that I think apply:

naive, haughty, charming, autocratic, lackadaisical, detached, smooth, elitist, perfidious, petty, mendacious, illogical, ideological, prejudiced, divisive, derisive, disinterested, single-minded, jocular, unpatriotic, self-serving, devious, plutocratic, fatherly, designing, undemocratic, puerile, vindictive, villainous, loquacious, narrow-minded, sneaky, pompous, opaque, lithe, pathological, acerbic, disloyal, snobbish, derivative, foppish, demagogic, superficial, distracted, deceitful, entitled, egotistical, unfocused, obsessed, anti-Semitic, apologetic, vain, lanky, avuncular, folksy, dense, blase, bitter, greedy, sartorial, shallow, charismatic, single-minded, duplicitous, selfish, fatherly, unfocused, unstudied, traitorous, secretive, self-indulgent, sonorous, pedagogical, liberal, spiteful

With an approval rating above 50%, many Americans must fixate on the few benign attributes in the above panoply of descriptors and ignore the others ... but they nevertheless sense the damage he has caused with his malignant qualities. That is why our country and the Democrat party are in disarray. It will likely take a few generations of historians to sift through these descriptors to finally measure this president for posterity. But for me for now, I think he was an unmitigated disaster.


  1. Aside of being 'fatherly' twice, most of those qualities are common to all politicians, especially DJT. Except 'lanky'... I don't expect to see the Donald on the basketball court. And liberal.

  2. A useless list of words that could be applied to anyone you don't like. Unmitigated disaster? Again, very subjective.

    1. Opinion is, by definition, subjective. There are thousands of other adjectives in English I didn't use. I like to believe the I thought of O event(s) associated with each word I did choose. There are many pejoratives (and compliments) I rejected.
