Thursday, December 29, 2016


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites

Kerry: Israel can be Jewish or democratic -- it can't be both ...

Claim: 100% of U.S. warming caused by NOAA data tampering ...

New Florida beach fear: pythons

Cuba bans use of Fidel Castro's name, likeness in public places

Huffpo's Stein: Destruction of Democrat party under Obama

CA farmers say 'good riddance' to Sen. Boxer

Santa rally fizzles ... say goodbye to [Dow] 20,000 for 2016

Debbie Reynolds dead 'She wanted to be with Carrie'

Mysterious illness [CHS] on rise in states with legalized pot use...

Update; Planes flooded with 'phony' support animals ...

Dershowitz: defUNd

Obama creates new National Monuments in Utah, Nevada

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