Tuesday, December 06, 2016


Here are a few random observations that have occurred to me recently:

For a seventy-year old man, Donald Trump's energy level and range of activity has me in awe. If he can keep this up for four more years, we are in for a wild ride.

There is lots of current speculation about -- is Hellary going to run for president in 2020? The obvious answer is, because of her age and poor health, no. Yet I doubt that this will be the stated position of the Clinton crime family. Why? Because, if it was clear that she wasn't going to run, then who and why would the Clinton Foundation get any more pay-for-play donations?

I think that the number of candidates for Trump's Secretary of State has now risen to ten ... with John Huntsman name now being considered. Perhaps next, John Kerry?

My tongue-in-cheek solution to Donald Trump's conflict-of-interest problem with his vast property holdings around the world ... would be for Trump to put all these holdings in his own charitable foundation ... dedicated to the elimination of poverty in the Trump extended family ... to be run by his wife and children ... and maybe even John Podesta (he's looking for a job.)

I think the Democrat party is committing hari kari in two bone-headed steps. First, electing Nancy Pelosi to be minority leader in the House again ... and second, possibly electing the front-runner Keith Ellison to head the DNC. You might even add New York Senator Upchuck Schumer as the new Senate minority leader to this mix.

There is a fashionable trend now toward heavy black horn-rimmed glasses ... in an attempt to make the wearer appear smart and serious. To me, I think that instead it makes the wearers look silly and slavish.

Tough question: Is the hidden agenda of Planned Parenthood and the governments' poor attention to the rampant fatal gang violence in places like Chicago ... a socially-acceptable form of eugenics?

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