Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Home Runs

Obummer's Soon-to-be Washington, DC Home
There are five people in President Obummer's family (counting his Robinson mother-in-law), so this apparently entitles them to five luxurious homes which they either have or plan to have soon -- Chicago, New York, Hawaii, Washington, DC, and Rancho Mirage, CA ... for some pictures and other details, see: Word Press Article. From what I understand this article has made at least one error, the Obummers will only be  renting the Washington home until Sasha graduates from high school in two years (unless she goes to college in DC?)

My back-of-the-envelope calculation is that the annual Obummer operating expense for these five residences has to easily exceed a million dollars. Yes, government pensions, speaking fees and book sales might just cover this after he leaves office, but from whence comes the necessary scratch now (estimated at least half of this which his salary as president doesn't even cover)? And imagine what the Secret Service is going to have to shell out to protect all five of these manses! Yes, protecting Trump is also going to be prohibitively expensive. Is there no ceiling to presidential and ex-presidential costs? Perhaps Congress needs to put some limits on what we taxpayers are willing to front to protect our now-royalty and ex-poobahs?

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