Friday, November 25, 2016

The Green Party

What is her motivation? Jill Stein has raised millions of dollars to challenge the presidential election results in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania with the faintest hope of reversing the election results for not herself but for that crone of Chappaque, Hellary ... see: Politico Story. A reader has pointed out that the Clintons, seeing their pirate ship taking on significant water, are desperate to try to salvage things. But they can't be seen as doing such a despicable thing as these challenges were they to prevail. So they probably slipped Jill baby some vigorish to get her to front these challenges ... for which she barely has any standing ... let alone any chance of benefit ... other than, of course, some possible squeaky clean George Soros pelf.

But, then again, didn't Stein run under the banner of the "green" party? Now we know what this moniker really means ...

Afterward: See also: Zero Hedge Story.

1 comment:

  1. She thinks there was some hacking involved with voting machines. Not sure how you get a different result from a recount if the vote was a lever pull.
