Monday, September 19, 2016


The United States has mistakingly granted citizenship to well over 800 immigrants who were under order for deportation and who were from "countries of concern" (translation: Muslims). This was due to both subterfuge on these immigrants' part which wasn't caught because Homeland Security lacked fingerprint matching for these fraudsters in its database ... see: Yahoo News Story. But what is even more frightening is the following quote from this Yahoo reference:
[Inspector General] Roth's report said fingerprints are missing from federal databases for as many as 315,000 immigrants with final deportation orders or who are fugitive criminals. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has not reviewed about 148,000 of those immigrants' files to add fingerprints to the digital record.
I have a few questions about these screw-ups: Have we rescinded citizenship for these miscreants? And have we since deported them back to their hellholes? Are we in the process of tightening up these monsterous holes in our immigration systems? (I hope that this is not a rhetorical question.)

It would also seem to me that there is another group that should be added to Trump's list of those slated for immediate deportation were he to be elected -- any immigrants, legal or illegal, who have resorted to fraud in their immigration processing.


  1. Please get rid of your annoying video if you want to be taken seriously.

    1. I think in the future I will submit all images for your approval.

  2. I concur with Den. I'll search for video blocker extension for my browser.

    1. Let me know what yo find so I can use it too ...

  3. Well I was liking AdBlockPlus even though I would have to turn it off to see if it really makes a difference. But the latest news is that their publisher realized there is dry stream of revenue from a free app so they decided to allow preferred advertisers to get through for a price. If I could decide what I approve, I would block ads for cars, hotels, drugs, insurance, and political candidates. What does that leave? Furniture, food, events, alcohol, and clothes. Could that possibly give the media companies enough revenue?

    1. You forgot ED drugs and ads for Russian women. I made the animation smaller ...
