The drum beat is increasing in tempo and loudness. The Clinton campaign is worried ... and her media toadies are doing everything in their power to reverse Trump's expanding poll numbers. This AM on Morning Joe, Trump was being castigated for saying last night two simple things:
1) Ahmad Khan Rahami, the Jersey jihadi will receive the very best medical and legal aid ... all at huge taxpayer expense ... and this process will likely will take years. Justice in this case should be fair, but swift and fitting ... , and the medical care only adequate.
2) Law enforcement agencies knew that this man was a possible terrorist and fell down on the job.
So, this pack of Morning Joe hyenas misdirected things and tore into Trump for criticizing the NYC Police Department and for his "unAmerican" comments about how Rahami should be treated. The degree of this ferocity was, I believe, driven by the notion that Hellary might actually lose in November. However, these criticisms seemed to this viewer very much like they were grasping for straws because of the following:
1) One can only compare how Rahami is likely to be treated to the obvious parallel case of the Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhat Tsarnaev, who has cost U.S. taxpayers tens of millions of dollars for his premier medical treatment, his top-shelf legal expenses for his trial and his fatuous appeal, the costs of bringing his large family from Russia as "character witnesses" for his sentencing, and now his special Muslim accommodating cell in a maximum security prison ... for likely the rest of his very long life. Trump was right on this one.
2) Trump was not referring specifically to the NYPD in his comments which did a bang-up job in quickly capturing this "alleged perp." He was obviously referring to the FBI who let one more bad guy slip through their fingers ... see: NY Times Article ... and the Elizabeth, New Jersey police who knew or should have known what a potential problem this malcontent was ... see: Heavy News Article. Trump was right here also.
And I am certain the the rest of the liberal media will follow suit ... only it seems that the American people are beginning to catch on.
Afterward: Taking a break from writing this blog to eat lunch and surf the cable channels, I discovered another straw being grabbed at by the liberal media ... they were accusing Donald Trump Jr. of saying Syrian refugees are a bowl of Skittles ... see: BBC Story. So I Googled things and what Junior basically said was that if you had a bowl of Skittles ... three of which were poison ... would you grab a handful and eat them? This is like letting in thousands of unvetted Syrians into the U.S. It's a metaphor for heaven's sake! The media knows the difference between a metaphor and a simile, yet they don't let that stop them from trying to submarine Trump's campaign. (No, I am not saying that the liberal media are under water ... wait, maybe I am!)
What is baffling is how police can shoot a zillion bullets at Tsarnaev and have Rahami wounded on the ground and both are comfortably in prison instead of shot dead with exterme prejudice, yet we have on video incidents of black men with no weapons getting shot dead... and those cops are not in prison.
ReplyDeleteThey both had Allah protecting them ... either that or they were running low on virgins.