Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Money Laundering

The following article is a very thorough and interesting case study in money laundering by David Brock and his network of "non-profits" and Democrat political-action organizations including Media Matters ... see: Zero Hedge Article for some revealing reportage. Actually these barely concealed  fiscal shenanigans seem to be more a money skimming operation than a money laundering one. It would seem that Brock, who once was a liberal Democrat, then a purported Republican before changing back his allegiance in 1997 under suspicious Clintonian circumstances, was a little fast and loose in setting up this scam ... as such operations usually have many more layers of camouflage.

It seems likely the this amateurish attempt to copy the Clinton crime family's Foundation complex was meant primarily to reward Mary Pat Bonner, President of the Bonner Group, the documented  money skimmer. Ms. Bonner jointly rented a summer house in the Hamptons with Mr. Brock and is assumed to be either his girlfriend or, more likely, his beard. Why the IRS has not investigated this obvious money skimming (or laundering) is beyond me? It is blatantly obvious in the included imaged documents. Perhaps the IRS was too busy thwarting all those Tea Party groups from getting a tax exempt status?

It is not clear if and how Ms. Bonner rewarded Mr. Brock for all this easy money (which would make it money laundering.) That would be "the rest of the story."

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