Tuesday, August 02, 2016

The Voice of the People

Here are just a few recent news items that struck me ... as showing a pattern of the 1% solidly backing Hellary Clinton for president.

- Hedge fund managers give $48.5 million to Clinton's campaign, $19 thousand to Trump's ... see: Wall Street Journal Article.

- Michael Bloomberg speaks at Clinton convention, calls Trump a "dangerous demagogue" ... see: CNN Video.

- Billionaire Mark Cuban endorses Clinton, calls Trump a "jagoff" at Pittsburgh rally ... see: Washington Post Article.

- Warren Buffett at a recent Clinton fundraiser, "A monkey would have generated better returns than you [Trump]" ... see: CNBC Article.

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? The super-wealthy elites in America are clearly hoping that Hellary Clinton wins in November and continues the policies of Obummer ... and they are backing these desires with lots of money and rhetoric that is often as purple as Trump's. Why we wonder?

Perhaps because they have done quite well, thank you, during the crony capitalism, fire-hose government spending, open-borders to cheap labor, and [un]free-trade policies of the current administration and they are worried that Trump will throw sand on the tracks of their gravy train?

These 1%ers have suffered through the Occupy Wall Street protests ... they dodged a bullet when Bernie Sanders came up short in his bid for the Democrat nomination ... they have invested heavily in the Clinton brand of back scratching through generous speaking fees and "charitable donations" to the Clinton Foundation ... and they want and expect a generous return on this investment.

Has Hellary pledged to eliminate the carried interest generous tax treatment for hedge fund managers? No ... but Trump has. Even though Hellary has vowed to increase taxes for the wealthy, we all know that, without a fundamental overhaul of the tax law, the super wealthy using existing loopholes will still, like Warren Buffett, pay a smaller percentage of their income than their secretaries. Has Hellary pledged to reform the tax system? I haven't heard her say so. have you?

Perhaps, with all of this grease, Hellary will prevail and defeat the populist Trump in November ... but she will at her and the Washington elite's peril (and I include many Republicans, like Paul Ryan, in this mix). For the American people are beginning to understand the game that is being played in DC ... and there is a revolt brewing. Those in the 1% would be smarter in the long run if they listened to the voice of the people.

Afterward: Even the Koch brothers are implicated ... see: Breitbart Story.


  1. Truthtalker -- is that your Indian name? Are you related to Lizzie Warren?

  2. Truthtalker8:27 AM

    Proud member of Lakota Sioux nation. Warrior and mocker of muckrakers.

  3. It is becoming increasingly clear that voting for Trump will be like playing Russian roulette. And voting for Hellary would be the same ... only with all six chambers loaded.

    1. Truthtalker9:33 AM

      Old Lakota saying, "Would you rather be eaten by wolves or worms?"
