Monday, August 01, 2016


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

NY Post splashes nude Melania Trump on cover -- two days in a row!

Erdogan cancels 50,000 passports

Exclusive -- NSA Whistleblower: Agency has all of Hillary's deleted e-mails

Trump's Running Mate [Pence]: 'I don't think name calling has any place in public life'

Muslim female [Olympic] athletes compete while covered

Report: [Clinton campaign manager] Podesta company bagged $35 million from Russian gov't

Women fastest growing group of gun owners in U.S.

Little girl throws tea party for cop who saved her life

Fire Marshal shuts doors on Trump again ... huge empty space inside

Hedge Fund Donations: $123M to Hillary, $19K to Trump

Globalists Kochs refuse to run ads against Hillary

Romney now says Trump can win?

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