Monday, February 29, 2016

Off with their Heads!

There is a dramatic rift in the chicken-little club of those who have believed that we are doomed by the modestly increasing carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere which then is supposed to be causing global warming or climate change or some other terrifying global events. What is this rift? Why even Michael Mann, the inventor of the bogus "hockey-stick effect" to dramatize global warming, has now been forced to admit that there has been no significant global warming since before the year 2000. Wow! This is not just a rift ... it is a reformation in this pseudo-religion of the warmists!

It seems that this "settled science" is finally becoming unsettled ... see: Breitbart Article ... and there will be a lot of pompous politicians and loony luminaries such as that rotund fellow called Hanging-Chad Al and that skinny president with the nickname Bathhouse Barry who are in very awkward positions. They have gone balls-out in their pronouncements about this climate science about which they really know very little ... and so they will need either to stage a hasty and humbling retreat, like Michael Mann ... or viciously attack their detractors like the Queen of Hearts in "Alice in Wonderland"... screaming "off with their heads!"

It is going to be very interesting to watch which course each of them takes ... any predictions?

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