Monday, February 29, 2016

Fighting Fire with Fire

Marco Rubio has suddenly gone super negative against Donald Trump ... sliming him for his makeup, his vanity, the small size of his hands/schlong, his corrupt business practices, accusing him of being a con artist, etc. This is not pretty ... but apparently Rubio's camp has decided that this is the only way that he can counteract Trump's equivalent style of campaigning. This is a shame because Rubio has avoided such tactics throughout the many Republican debates ... until the last one ... but has suffered a volley of such banal attacks from Trump throughout.

Basically Rubio is fighting fire with fire ... and this is too bad because this style of attack seems against his nature and will likely sink his chances for the nomination ... not that he had much of a shot anyway. So, in a way, Rubio is helping out Cruz or possibly even Kasich in the voting to come. He has, by being a lion,  effectively now become a sacrificial lamb ... see: Quote of the Day.

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