Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Pigs in a Blanket

President Obama has labeled the execution-style shooting of a Texas Deputy Sheriff as "completely unacceptable." In his signature distracted and perfunctory way our president then added that this was "an affront to civilized society" ... see: Breitbart Story. No, Mr. President, chewing gum in school is "unacceptable." Pulling your sister's pigtails is "unacceptable." You have a staff of highly-paid and talented writers who, I am sure, could come up with a better adjective than "unacceptable."

How about "craven" or "heinous" or "cowardly" or "gutless" ... or even "lily-livered?" This kind of soft-spoken cerebral response to this Texas shooting by our president I think speaks volumes to those in the Black Lives Matter movement who believe that the police should be "pigs in a blanket" and they should "fry like bacon." Has the president made any comments about this pond-scum movement ...  or has our Justice Department sent a phalanx of investigators to Texas like it did in Ferguson? Making his administration's sly response to this Black Lives Matter movement so invisible only encourages more of the same.

Wait and see.

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