Monday, August 31, 2015

Idaho Alaska

That is the answer ... what is the question? If Miss Issippi lent Miss Ouri her New Jersey, what would Dela Ware? Why is this pertinent? Because President Obama is using a trip to Alaska today to once more pitch his global warming hokum to the uninformed ... see: AP News Story ... and Della would then not need her New Jersey. I suspect that The Barry's advance team is now searching the coast off of this state for some poor polar bear stuck on a melting ice floe ... in order to get a money shot to put on the front pages of American newspapers. After all ... isn't the kind of pictorial misinformation that the majority of global-warming alarmists use to justify their hysteria?

But now for the rest of the story ... if you are even a bit interested. It seems that three German scientists have determined that the small global warming blip at the end of the last century was within normal limits, but, more importantly, that the world is now entering a sixty-year cooling period. If you, dear reader, are willing to listen to these scientists (who must not be part of the 97% of those scientists who claim we are doomed), then read John Hinderaker's posting on the Powerline blog ... see: Nothing Unusual.

If an extended cooling period is indeed what is in store for the world, then President Obama's arm-waving CO2 killing initiatives are likely to make matters worse. Wouldn't that be a unique legacy for our current monarch? (Of course, the Kool-Aid drinkers will claim that we got cooler because of Obama's economy-crippling efforts ...)

And for a bit of sweet, sweet irony, President Obama is likely to be met with some rare summer snow in Alaska today ... now wouldn't that be special ... see: Dr. Roy Spencer Item.

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