Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Great Seducer

Donald Trump is a great seducer. He gives young children at the Iowa State Fair rides on his helicopter. He promises old children to build the Trump wall across our southern border with Mexico ... actually now only 1000 miles of a Trump wall for, apparently, it is not needed along the other 900 miles (sound familiar?) Whether The Donald is worth ten billion dollars is unimportant because he behaves as though he is worth that much ... and that is all that counts.

Trump is obviously a huckster in the tradition of P.T. Barnum and Robert Ripley ... and Americans are suckers for hucksters. So there seems an outside chance that Donald Trump might become our next president. I do believe that he could do a ton of good in this role, but he could also do a lot of damage.

If Trump were to go in worth $10 billion, I suspect he might come out worth $50 billion ... unless some strict ethical standards were enforced during his tenure. And, for some stupid reason, this country has gotten quite lax in enforcing ethical guidelines. Perhaps one way that this might be accomplished would be for Trump to be forced to keep Loretta Lynch on as Attorney General? Thus, although Trump might purge the rest of his cabinet of incompetent political hacks, the Aegean Stables at the Department of Justice would have to wait for its catharsis until our next president.

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