Friday, August 28, 2015

Act of Love

Republican candidate for president, Jeb Bush, has described the motivation of entire families immigrating illegally into the United States as an "act of love." And in many cases this may be so ... an attempt to escape the third-world hell hole from whence they came. And so, many in the liberal media continually and joyfully ask the hypothetical question of Republican candidates, "How can you deport entire families back to their countries?" ... trying to paint these GOPers as heartless Simon Legrees.

Well, let me intercede and offer that there are entire families that should be or should have been deported ... and I offer, as a perfect example, the Tsarnaev family ... a family that entered into the United States fraudulently as political refugees from their native Kyrgyzstan (if they were so endangered, how could they continually travel back and forth to there and Dagestan without incident?) It also seems clear that this family has continually abused the welfare system in this country as at least all four of their children seem to have lived pretty much entirely off of the U.S. taxpayer ... and, I strongly suspect, that the parents are also receiving U.S. government transfer payments back to their homeland. The mother has also been found to be a serial shoplifter, and her two sons, serial murders ... and were the infamous Boston Marathon terrorists.

If this one family, with their then children, should have never been allowed to stay in the U.S., then there surely must be many others ... if we can gather up the gumption to identify these bad apples and deport them. And so, if U.S. immigration officials had been a little more hard hearted toward the Tsarnaev family with four little children, they would have saved this country considerable monies, prevented four, possible seven murders, and saved injuries to 264 Americans ... many with the loss of limbs. This would have been an act of love toward the people who pay these government workers' salaries.

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