Monday, July 13, 2015


If one points out that illegal immigration is destroying America's social fabric and threatening our middle class, one is a xenophobe. If one pushes back against the clear excesses of the gay community, one is a homophobe. If one worries out loud that Muslim extremists want to convert the rest of the world into a caliphate, one is an Islamophobe. If one decries President Obama's abuse of power and his ignoring of our Constitution, one is a racist. If one shows that global warming has not occurred for 16 years and that the data is now being cooked to cover this fact, one is a denier. If one points out that women in America have it pretty darn good, one is a sexist.

And if one pushes back against such pejorative labels. saying that they do noting but encourage even more outrageous behavior from these groups, one is a curmudgeon and a misanthrope

The burden of these constant bombastic labels is getting too much for me and for the majority of Americans who just want to go along to get along, so I have decided to follow the crowd and, from now on, I am going to zip my lip.


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