Monday, July 13, 2015

El Chapo

The number one drug lord in Mexico, Joaquin Guzman Loera or El Chapo, has escaped from a maximum security Mexican prison for the second time ... this time  through a mile-long tunnel. This multi-multi billionaire (see: A Bunch of Imgur Pictures) obviously can buy or threaten his way to freedom in this most corrupt of corrupt nations.

Since, this man has such unlimited dirty drug pelf, any amount of bribery money is of no constraint to this man finding a safe haven, Therefore I have a few suggestions as to where Mexico, or better yet our law enforcement agents, might search for this mega-criminal:

1) The San Francisco's sheriff's home
2) The president of Mexico's executive mansion
3) The Greek Parthenon
4) The headquarters of the Clinton Foundation
5) Anywhere in Bernie Sander's Vermont
6) Tehran, Iran
7) The Lincoln bedroom in the White House


  1. I expect he would feel safer with his peers on Wall Street, the Hamptons, the Caymans, Geneva... people who respect a person with a lot of cash regardless of where it came from.

    1. Fine ... I'll accept your list ... but I thought my list also were those who callously put money ahead of honor ...
