Saturday, June 20, 2015

Back-Door Firings

The culture of Japan is such that it is humiliating and therefore difficult to fire people. So the interesting solution there is to create a subsidiary and move all of a company's dead wood into this spin-off. Then, being that there is little to no talent there, this subsidiary invariably goes bankrupt and all of its employees find themselves out of work ... with these back-door firings. Problems solved ...

So this back-door solution may be also what NBC has found for Brian Williams ... transfer him to MSNBC as a working partner of Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews, and Special Ed Schultz ... and then let the devil take the hindquarters. MSNBC is now on life support with its ratings plummeting on a regular basis ... see: Politico Story. So when this network eventually sinks under the waves, Brian Williams and his fat multi-million dollar contract will be obviated in kind.

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