Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Powder Keg

The Shia and Sunni Muslims just won’t stop their centuries-old blood feud as to who should have succeeded the prophet Mohammed as the leader of their religion. Now the Sunnis may be about to desecrate the tomb of Mohammed in order to expand one of their mosques in Medina, Saudi Arabia. This likely will no sit well with the Shia Muslims … in particular, the Iranis, the southern Iraqis and the Syrians … see: Breitbart Article.

This is clearly a powder keg with a lit fuse.

Keeping on top of the volatile situation inside the Muslim religion is a full-time job for an army of intelligence analysts … and one that I have little knowledge of nor taste for. However, I do hope that the United States has deciphered this extremely complex caliphate code and can use it to our advantage. So far I think we (at least our political leaders) are still in short-pants kindergarten.

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