Tuesday, September 02, 2014


I've had trouble in the past remembering this great word. It means an ethnic group that has been displaced to a new environment ... something like the French Acadians being moved from Maine and Canada by the British to Louisiana to become Cajuns. I am reminded of this word in a Powerline story by Scott Johnson (not my favorite in this stable of stallions) about the bigger Jewish problems that have come from the latest Gaza aggression against them.

Fortunately most of this blog entry is quoting from and an address by The Times journalist Melanie Phillips (see: Wikipedia Entry) speaking to an Israeli audience about the growing anti-Israeli feelings sweeping England and Europe ... see: Powerline Blog. This woman is a clear thinker and a clearer speaker ... and, although her address is a little long, it's worth going off in a corner and listening to it all ... it might just open your mind a tad.

You might then understand better how it feels to be a member of a minority Jewish diaspora.

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