Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Death Panels

Sarah Palin warned us about the coming death panels under Obamacare. Now, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (brother of Rahm Emanuel, now Mayor of Chicago, but President Obama's former Chief of Staff) has indicated that he wants to die at the age of 75 ... see: UK Daily Mail Article. And, as it turns out, Dr. Emanuel was one of the chief architects of Obamacare and has been a very vocal advocate of its "benefits" ... usually on MSNBC. His rational for this headline-grabbing article in The Atlantic was that, at 75 years of age, people are " feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic."

Now, as it turns out, I am 75 years old and, although I may be ineffectual, feel neither feeble or pathetic ... and I have refused to give my permission for my family to "pull the plug" on me when I am sliding home. I want to live as long as I am aware of things. Now Dr. Emanuel is only 57 years old so it is a little easier for him to harbor such a death wish ... but I suspect he might have second thoughts in another 17 years. I am also sure of is that I would not like to have him on my Obamacare-decreed death panel. This current administration controls too much of my life as it is. I really don't want them deciding when and how I croak.

Afterthought: Just did some Internet snooping. I think that Ezekiel Emanuel's parents are both alive ... Dad Benjamin is 87 and Mom Marsha is 81. I wonder how they feel about Zeke's comments dissing old people?

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