Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ben Shapiro Decodes Obama

Ben Shapiro, wunderkind of the Breitbart news organization, has written a running commentary of President Obama’s Teleprompter reading today at the United Nations General Assembly. It is pretty much spot on … may I suggest you indulge yourself at:  Obama's UN Speech?

For those of you who, like myself, are not 'versant in Twitter short-hands, I offer the following translations of Shapiro's mnemonics:

ROFLMAO – Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off

LOLWUT --   no direct mnemonic translation, but indicates confusion about something someone else has said. I think the LOL part is the standard Laugh Out Loud and WUT stands for What?

SMDH --  Shaking My Damn Head

The only thing that I can add to Shapiro’s  comments is that I am often perplexed over how this man (or might I say his speech writers) can be so often at variance with the majority of U.S. citizenry.

Afterthought: Mika Brzeznski was absolutely organismic over this very same Obama UN speech on this morning's Morning Joe show. I guess I am at a loss as to how two people can have such diametrically different opinions about the same event. Perhaps The Shadow is at work ... remember the line from his radio show ... that he had the "ability to cloud the minds of man" ... and, in this case, woman?

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