Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Government Teats

The Clinton Clan
The Clinton clan apparently knows how to wheedle its way onto the government teats. There have been numerous instances of this greed … the disappearance of valuable furniture from the White House, the abuse of post-presidential allowances and stipends, etc. But now Hillary has again pushed herself to the front of this litter of little piggies … spending more than $55,000 of taxpayer money on her recent book tour in Europe … $3,668 on a luxurious hotel suite in Paris, $5,100 for a fleet of Mercedes VIP vans, etc. … little of which she was so entitled. (This may include part of the cost of her taxpayer-funded security entourage … which isn’t peanuts … see: The UK Daily Mail Story.)

Does anyone remember how Harry and Bess Truman returned to their home in Independence, Missouri after the presidency?  Answer: In their own private car … driving all the way by themselves and paying for their own meals and lodging.

O tempores, o mores!

Afterward: See also: Las Vegas Review Journal Story.

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