Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Birds

Looking for Tippi Hedren
Steve Hayward of the Powerline blog has pointed out the newest government green boondoggle, the $2.2 billion Ivanpah solar power project in the eastern Mojave desert … see: Bright Lghts, Dim Idea.  Hayward quotes extensively from a recent Wall Street Journal article how this sun-magnification project’s produces electricity that is at least twice as expensive as conventional means but, even in its test phase, it has fried dozens of birds.  And now that it has become operational, it is likely to cook, in an unkindly manner, hundreds if not thousands more.

Steve has included in his referenced blog a very poor-quality picture of these three giant sauté pans.  But fortunately for Fletcher’s readers, I recently came across much better images of same on reddit and so they are reproduced below:

Click on to Enlarge
And here is a close up of one of them:

Click on to Enlarge

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