Friday, February 14, 2014

Makes the World Go Around

There is an eye-poping post on reddit/Pics (a redirect from imgur) that shows the inside of a Mexican drug lord’s raided home.  Please take the few moments that it will take to inspect the profundity of these pictorial revelations … see: reddit Post.  Included in this series of images is the above stash of over $22 billion (with a “B”) of U.S. hundred dollar bills obtained from the U.S. drug trade.  At the end of this post is the following quote:
The money and valuables in this one house alone would be enough to pay for health insurance for every man, woman and child in the USA for 12 years! [possible hyperbole] It is estimated to be approximately 27 more of these houses in Mexico alone. Not to mention the ones in other countries who are enriching themselves in the drug trade. These people have so much money, they make the Arab oil sheiks look like welfare recipients.  Their money can buy politicians, cops, judges, whatever they need they just throw down stacks of cash and it is theirs. This is why the drug problem is so difficult to fight.
I have commented in the past about the insidious results of what the drug-using glitterati in the U.S. are having on our neighbors to the south (see: The Wages of Sin), but I had no idea that it was so monstrous. It is clearly a cancer that is about to consume us. 

Correction: I think it already has.

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