Thursday, January 09, 2014


There is something very sinister about politics … as they say, “it ain’t beanbag.”  Chris Christie, once beloved by the media, is now a Republican presidential front runner and, therefore, experiencing the cold steel of the media assegais (an old W.C. Fields word … in “The Bank Dick” … see: The Long Knives).  Some boneheads on Christie’s staff apparently tried to take revenge on the mayor of Fort Lee, NJ for not supporting Christie in his re-election effort last fall.  They (again apparently) had a crony shut down three lanes onto the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee … creating a traffic nightmare there … sees: NewYorker Story.

Now, as I have previously indicated, I am not a Christie groupie (see: Rinos), but I do feel a little pang of condolence seeing such a McCain-job pulled on yet another Republican.  This smacks very much of the tactics that have been previously used by the Democrats (the Clintons and Obama in particular) to crush upstart Republican opponents.  Of course, a key element in such take-downs is the willing cooperation of important media outlets … and somehow this always happens.  What is more unnerving is that many conservatives will not rally to Christie’s defense because of his past animosity and sins toward them.  I’m certain that these assegai attackers counted on this reaction.

I confidently predict that whatever Christie does to counter this smear in his press conference today, it will not be quite enough.  And this will be just the first round of Christie’s waterboarding by the liberal press and talking heads … while (too) many on the right stay mum.  He is now effectively toast.  Can’t you just see Hillary quietly smirking her chipmunk grin?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Benghazi anyone? Certainly not the media.
