Thursday, January 09, 2014


Lois Lerner – The IRS Director who orchestrated the suppression of Tea-Party and other right-wing groups from registering as tax-exempt organizations in advance of the 2012 presidential election.  Ms. Lerner, after asserting her innocence in this matter in front of a Congressional hearing, then refused to answer any question citing her Fifth Amendment rights.  Ms. Lerner has subsequently been allowed to retire from the government with full benefits … see: Christian Science Monitor Story.  Nobody in the Obama administration has been fired as a result of this gross malfeasance.

Bridget Anne Kelly – New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s Deputy Chief of Staff who sent an e-mail to Port Authority executive David Wildstein suggesting that Fort Lee, New Jersey might experience some traffic problems after its Mayor had refused to endorse Christie for Governor in the 2013 election ... which then resulted in huge traffic jams at the George Washington Bridge. When Governor Christie was informed of her action, he immediately fired Ms. Kelly for lying to him … see: Chicago Tribune Story.  Mr. Wildstein retired from the Port Authority last December ... and is now also asserting his Fifth Amendment protection at a state inquiry about this matter in Trenton.

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