Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Lying Eyes

It seems President Obama has far too much confidence in his own rhetorical skills.  He has just now tried to squiggle out from under his “red line” comment about how the United States would respond if Syria used chemical weapons on its own people … see: The Weekly Standard Story.

“Are you gonna believe me … or your lying eyes.”  If the world had drawn the red line and not him … which I think they had ... and as Obama just so ineptly professed, how come the world is not responding to Assad’s gas attack on his own people?  I think one of the cardinal rules of public speaking is not to insult your audience.  If Obama had wanted to goad the rest of the world into action over Syria’s provocative actions, he probably should not have spent the last four years talking down to them ... and now not trying to use them as an excuse for painting himself into a corner.

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