Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Bull in a China Shop

I once was a fan of Colin Powell.  But his sycophantic utterances regarding Barack Obama has caused me pause. Yet the Powell Doctrine, “If you break it, you own it” still has profound meaning … meaning that George W. Bush seemed to understand and embrace in his attempt to stabilize Iraq before he left office.  However this current administration appears to have no such compunctions … a failing that General Powell has yet to noticed.

President Obama and our then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, have left Libya in ruins and chaos … see: The UK Independent Story. Our President’s inattention to Iraq has caused much of what was accomplished there to be backsliding into sectarian warfare.   Obama also promised a “surge” in Afghanistan to try to fix things ala Bush 43 … only to make things worse with his concurrent statement about our departure date … and his political and shameful gutting of our rules of engagement (see: Sitting on Our Hands).  And then there was Egypt … a self correcting disaster despite all of Obama’s and Clinton’s attempts to the contrary.

Now we have shifted our snorting “foreign policy” to SyriaEl toro!

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