Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer Camp

Why is it that we have to get our real news from the British press?  I guess that our national media is too concerned with more important things … like the Christie/Obama photo-op on the Jersey shore.  Anyhow, it seems that the hunger strike at our Guantanamo, Cuba prison camp for recalcitrant terrorists is getting worse … see: The Guardian Story.  And, of course, this has gotten the liberal nut-job protesters’ juices flowing.  There are now five prisoners in the hospital and 36 of them being force-fed.  My heart is bleeding a gush.

Unfortunately this article has a distinctly sympathetic bent … describing in detail the “humiliations” that these prisoners are experiencing … again, my heart is breaking.  My attitude toward Gitmo is that I can’t understand why all these prisoners have not been long ago tried in a military court … and a goodly portion of them made to smoke their last cigarette in front of a fusillade of rifles?  And why we would consider releasing any of these animals is beyond me.  The known recidivism rate among those who have already been freed is north of 30%.  I suspect that the real rate is a lot higher.

Perhaps I might have a solution for our pompous Prexy. Why don’t we just quietly depopulate all the guards from this posh summer camp … and then unleash multiple drone strikes on it?  How would this be any different from what we do in Yemen or Pakistan?

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