Friday, May 31, 2013

Democrat Butt Boy

Marco Rubio
“Marco Rubio is our Republican,” says Chuck Schumer … see the disturbing story here: Powerline Story  I had had high hopes for Marco Rubio, but he, of late, is behaving like a leashed-lapdog on immigration reform.  He is being turned into the Republican poster boy for the Democrats’ attempt to lock up nine million more liberal voters (rather, those votes that they don’t already have.)

I somewhat recently posted my concerns with the immigration reform bill that the Gang of Eight has proposed … primarily that many immigrants will probably prefer to stay in the shadows ... and its provisions will not be enforced … at least not by the Obama administration.  See: Crossing the Rubio-con . Although I do believe Rubio’s objectives are noble, he seems under the Svengali-spell of that ever-smiling New York Senator, Chuck Schumer.  This suggests to me another juxtaposition possibility:

Chuck Schumer

Cheshire Cat

Or perhaps Schumer is the cat ... and Rubio is the canary?

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