Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Language Police

Andy Warhol’s famous “everyone gets 15 minutes of fame” observation apparently was quite prophetic.  Current examples of those seeking such transient notoriety are sexting, goofy YouTube videos, Facebook, reddit posts, or even those ego maniacs who feel that their blog postings are golden prose.  But there is another type of grandstander who seeks headlines by bowdlerizing our everyday communications … the language police if you will.  The latest Warhol-type is a woman in Cranston, RI who has a child suffering from dwarfism.  She went berserk when she saw the word “midget” on a pickle jar and coerced the pickle company into changing their labeling … see: CBS News Story.

There are many other examples of such linguist political correctness -- Native American, visually impaired, African American, Happy Holiday, firefighter, vertically challenged, freedom fries, etc. … see: Political Correctness and, for a more extensive treatment, see: Language Police

Perhaps the Cains pickle company might have changed their pickle-jar packaging to read “Kosher Dill Little People”?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    It was determined by the gender equality police that every thing and title should provide an alternate to "man" with one exception: manhole. That can be the exclusive province of males.
