Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Getting Penned In

President Obama has swung from the golf course into full campaign mode by trying to offload blame for the coming sequestration scheduled to occur on March 1st (a week from Friday ... when the increase in government spending this year would be cut by $85 billion ... 1/2 of which would happen in the Defense Dept ... about a 2% haircut).  See: Washington Post Blog

I have commented in the past that I thought that sequestration was probably the only way that Republicans could get any spending cuts out of this administration ... see: The Debt Ceiling.  As Republicans have already folded on tax increases for the rich, it now looks like they have gotten just a little clever and are, in fact, going to let sequestration happen.

And, as this deadline looms, Obama seems to be getting more and more agitated.  Also, independent of whose idea this sequestration was (it was our Dear Leader's), there is one act and fact that Obama cannot deny ... he did take up his pen and sign the sequestration bill into law.

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