Monday, December 10, 2012

Pact with the Devil

David Ignatius, columnist for the Washington Post, does not head my list of favorite people, but he recently wrote an op-ed which goes as far as he is allowed to go to take the Obama administration to task.  Please read the whole thing and then return for my vinegar: Washington Post - Ignatius.

Comparing the United States’s reaction to the Egyptian riots that ousted Hosni Murabak and the recent ones over Egypt’s current President, Mohamed Morsi’s overreach, one can readily see that the Obama/Clinton tag team have made a pact with the devil, the Muslim Brotherhood.  Shortly after Obama’s first inauguration, he met, sub rosa, with the Muslim Brotherhood where who-knows-what transpired (see: Washington Times Article) … and numerous times since.  But, as a result, we can clearly see the Obama Administration’s tilt toward this radical (my term) Muslim group … including its backing of the Arab Spring and our numerous faulty diplomatic Middle-East moves thereafter … including the Benghazi attack and its cover-up.

Shortly after Morsi helped to stop the recent rocket attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip (which he previously probably abetted), he must have felt he had the leverage and quickly assumed Pharaoh-like powers in Egypt.  This caused an eruption of Egyptian secularists on the streets of Cairo … to which Obama and Hillary managed to look the other way.  Yes, they may have contacted Morsi in private to cajole him, but they took no strong public stance against such Morsi totalitarianism, like they did with Murabak.  This would have sent a clear message to the Arab street that the U.S. backed true Democracy, not autocratic rule.  This also tells me nothing more than there must be a secret understanding between Morsi and Obama that we are still reluctant to abandon.

Unlike the classic Faustian bargain, I doubt if Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton are willing or even able to turn the tables on this Mephistopheles.

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