Saturday, December 08, 2012

On the Ninth Day of Christmas

The world will come to an end.  That is, if you start counting the days of Christmas from the Advent (December 13th).  So the ninth day in this sequence is December 21st or our winter Solstice … which also just happens to be the last day of the Mayan long calendar  … see Telegraph Story ... which you also need to swallow.  Many doomsday believers do think that the Mayans knew much more than we ... and that this coming 12/21/12 will usher in the Apocalypse.  To me the fascinating aspect of the Mayan calendar was that it took into account where our solar system was relative to the Milky Way galaxy … see: Mayan Calculations … not that they necessarily knew that one was part of the other.  Fascinating stuff!.

And we are worrying about the fiscal cliff and why are these nine ladies dancing?  Poof, poof piffle!

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