Sunday, May 05, 2024

Rite of Passage?

Rush Limbaugh had an apt description for younger generations … they had “skulls full of mush.” And events of the last month on American college campuses suggests he was right. Many of our half-grown-ups are chanting “death to America,” “Jews go back to Poland,” “we are Hamas” and other dispicable echo chants. And, I would like to believe, that not all of them really believe what them are advocating. Otherwise, they are unforgivable.

It, hopefully, might be that SOME of the students are anxious to feel revelant … and see these protests, however abhorrent, as a rite of passage. I surely hope so … and, if the paid leaders (community organizers?) of these protests were dealt with appropriately, some blind followers may step back into civilization … with crimson faces … before they have sealed their unfortunate destiny.



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