Sunday, April 14, 2024

War Games

Iran tells Israel and the United States that in 48 hours it is going to launch a massive areal attack on Israel … but don’t worry, you can shoot them down … we’ll even put lights on the drones to make it easy. And it’s justification: We need to do this to show the world we are not wimps after you killed seven of our generals … so don’t be too angry at us.

I write this before Israel has decided on its response to this bit of dangerous war-games theater … so I can state my mind.

Iran ships virtually all of its oil through the Qeshm island depot situated of the coast of Iran … and its loss would effectively shut down this source of funds to support international terrorism. Therefore I think Israel should give Iran 48 hours notice that it is going to destroy this facility … in order for all personnel there could be evacuated. Then … hopefully with our help … obliterate it … maybe with one of those MOAB bombs.

Then let Iran decide on further escalation.


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