Saturday, April 06, 2024

Mmmm, Good!


The above pic from Mostly Cajun blog brought to mind a piece of my past:

Many, many years ago … as a result of my performance at an advertising panel, I was asked to do a TV commercial for Post Grape Nuts. I was given a box of it and asked to have it for breakfast for a week.

I hated it. It tasted like month-old ground-up stale rye bread. But I followed my instructions.

At the end of the week I showed up for the commercial shoot. I was placed at a table with a bowl of this cereal and told to take a bite and say, “Mmmm, good!” Needless to say I could not fake it … and my disgust must have been obvious.

I was told “thank you” and given the door. I don’t think I even got subway fare.


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