ABC television led its “This Week” Sunday morning program with a melodramatic 18 minute Martha Raddatz interview with Jose Andres, the head of World Central Kitchen … which had just lost 7 of its aid workers to a mistaken IDF drone strike in Gaza. It then followed this with a 10 minute sit-down with Biden spokesman Admiral Kirby … again quoting inflated Hamas statistics of civilian causalities. And then, to put a cherry on top of this sundae, led its Round Table with a rehash of this subtle Zion sliming.
In other words, it devoted more than half of its program to an emotional condemnation of Israel.
Propaganda supporting Biden’s re-election? You betcha. Responsible journalism? No way Jose.
Afterward: It’s working … Israel has just announced it is withdrawing most of IDF troops from around Rafah in southern Gaza.
I support Jose Andres and World Central Kitchen. He does not have to put himself and his team in the nastiest places on earth with the sole objective of getting food to hungry people. He could just chill as a judge on Top Chef and Iron Chef, but instead he is an apostle to the innocent children and seniors.