Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Remote Office Working

The COVID pandemic has caused a dramatic change … remote office working … in order to protect workers from becoming infected.

And guess what? Workers liked it … and wanted to continue doing it … businesses not so much. So firms have been gradually trying … over two years after the China flu was over … to refill their offices … three days a week … one week in, one week at home … often with lots of pushback.

It might be interesting to measure the positives and negatives of remote office work:


+ Devoted workers can invest part (or all) of their commute time to work

+ Parents can monitor their sick or after-school children

+ Companies might be able to shed some office space cost

+ Less traffic during rush hours


Goldbricks can get away with not putting in the full work day

- Team building and collaboration is more difficult

- Worker to worker communication is more difficult and often subject to misunderstanding

- The need for companies to supply two work spaces with equipment.

My take: If you have good managers and honest workers, then remote office working may be good. Otherwise, not.


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