Monday, January 15, 2024

Tucker on Jan 6


The Jan 6 narrative was formed in quick-setting concrete … too quick setting for my taste. — Fletcher

Since just about the entirety of Biden’s campaign seems based on trashing Trump on the Jan 6 “insurection,” it seems only fair that a thorough airing is made of what actually happened on that fateful day. If you have bought into what I consider an elaborate hoax, you should watch the above and see if you still believe the narrative as concocted by the media and the Jan 6 committee.

Or it you believe that much purposely hidden evidence needs to be revealed.. Speaker Johnson has released most of the videos … but there are mountains more of evidence we need to see … including the criminal Rep. Clay Higgins’ referrals that Merrick Gaeland is sitting on.

Also see: Jan 6 Stuff and Ashli Babbitt Day and watch for a future blog post of Jan 6 questions.


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