Wednesday, December 20, 2023



DOJ meets with Arab American groups over canceled meetings in major hotel chains

Holiday spending to be up big even as Biden approval hits new low, CNBC economic survey shows 

Majority of Democrats now oppose Biden as 2024 nominee

Rail bridges to Mex shut …

Stefanik silent after Trump says immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood’ of US

Houthi attacks on the Red Sea threaten the global supply chain

Biden is a write-in candidate  in New Hampshire primary

Giuliani sued again by ex-Georgia election workers …

Texas governor signs bill that lets police arrest immigrants who enter the U.S. illegally

White House warns U.S. aid to Kyiv about to expire; top Ukraine general criticizes Zelensky

Steve Bannon calls for removal of Ronna MxDonald as RNC chairman

Iceland’s volcano erupts … 330-foot-high lava fountain …


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