Thursday, November 23, 2023



Nikki Haley is considering the ‘Never Trump’ vote

OpenAI brings Sam Altman back as CEO less than a week after he was fired by the board

40% of Democrats to Biden: Don’t run again

Israel approves cease-fire with Hamas … 50 hostages set for release …

How the judge is slowing down one of Trump’s biggest criminal cases

Nvidia’s revenue triples as AI chip boom continues

CEO of Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, to plead guilty to federal charges

Lawmakers accuse Musk of profiting from anti-Israel propaganda …

Ukrainians who fled their country for Israel are finding themselves once again living with war

Moscow claims Ukraine is seeing ‘colossal losses’  after crossing river into occupied territory

The government burned through $7.5 trillion post-COVID

Gun ownership record high …


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