Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Three Strikes

Much as I sympathize with Kevin McCarthy in his ouster as Speaker of the House, I still believe he brought it upon himself … whiffing on three key opportunities … at least:

1) He promised that the 12 appropriations bills would be done by September, 30 … “regular order” … they weren’t.

2) He let the Republican House members take August off … virtually guaranteeing yet another continuing resolution — why we are $33 trillion in debt.

3) He very likely made a secret deal with Biden or key Democrats to restore Ukraine funding at a later date.

Yes, this punishment for striking out for Speaker McCarthhy was harsh … perhaps too harsh. But this consequence reminds me of when General Eisenhower had Private Eddie Slovak shot for desertion during a critical phase of World War II. Sometimes the situation calls for extreme action.

It’s called leadership.


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